Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fuzzy Wuzzy Hope and Change

I woke up this morning with an old childhood jingle running through my brain. Everybody's surely heard it before:

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?

I interpreted this as a message about the promises of "hope and change" that hypnotized enough people to elect Mr. Obama in 2008. His promises of transparency in government have been broken and his "hope and change" was just "more of the same". 

The engineer of our national engine has no idea how to steer and we're headed for a trainwreck.  The House could save us if they'd have the backbone to grab ahold of the brake. I believe they all know the wreck is going to occur, but are playing a game of musical chairs to see who catches the blame. Who's really to blame?  The people who voted for this worthless crowd of fools. You, me, everybody. We've allowed politicians to gradually expand the power of the government over the people until the weight is so great that a financial collapse is 99% inevitable.

I sincerely believe that our only chance to survive this disaster is to "reboot" the system and start over with the "constitution" as our compass. The captain of our ship should be the man who has consistently told Americans the truth, even though the truth is not very popular in Washington. If Ron Paul had been elected President in 2008 our situation would be significantly improved over what we are now enduring, and 2112 will probably be our last chance to get our collective heads out of the sand and put a principled person in the presidency.  

The rest of the fuzzy wuzzies have no hair.

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